99 Sites That Every Professional Should Know About and Use

Career Guidance - 99 Sites That Every Professional Should Know About and Use

sources::: https://www.themuse.com/advice/99-sites-that-every-professional-should-know-about-and-use

Presenting: 23 Successful and Famous Introverts Who Prove All the Negative Stereotypes Wrong

Career Guidance - Presenting: 23 Successful and Famous Introverts Who Prove All the Negative Stereotypes Wrong


There are a lot of misconceptions regarding introverts. Some look at those they consider to be introverted and toss out all kinds of hyperbole, such as, “they are so shy they would not being able to deliver a speech in a public,” or “she is so shy and introverted—she does not like people all.” However, these prejudicial overstatements rarely hold water. After all, introverts have been responsible for some of the greatest achievements in history, as well as being some of the most successful business and political leaders in the world.

Here are 23 of the most successful introverts in history:

1. Albert Einstein

As one of the world’s most recognized and revered physicists, Einstein has often been quoted as saying, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 and is best remembered for developing the theory of relativity.

2. Rosa Parks

Parks became one of the most historically important figures in 1955 after refusing to give her seat up for a white man. In the introduction of her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain states:

“I had always imagined Rosa Parks as a stately woman with a bold temperament, someone who could easily stand up to a busload of glowering passengers. But when she died in 2005 at the age of 92, the flood of obituaries recalled her as soft-spoken, sweet, and small in stature. They said she was ‘timid and shy’ but had ‘the courage of a lion.’ They were full of phrases like ‘radical humility’ and ‘quiet fortitude.’

3. Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft, philanthropist, and world’s richest person, was once asked how to succeed in a predominantly extroverted world.

“Well, I think introverts can do quite well. If you’re clever you can learn to get the benefits of being an introvert, which might be, say, being willing to go off for a few days and think about a tough problem, read everything you can, push yourself very hard to think out on the edge of that area. Then, if you come up with something, if you want to hire people, get them excited, build a company around that idea, you better learn what extroverts do, you better hire some extroverts (like Steve Ballmer I would claim as an extrovert) and tap into both sets of skills in order to have a company that thrives both in deep thinking and building teams and going out into the world to sell those ideas.”

4. Steven Spielberg

Even one of the most successful, wealthiest, and influential personalities in Hollywood is an introvert. Director and producer Steven Spielberg has admitted as much and says he would prefer to spend time getting lost in movies.

5. Sir Isaac Newton

One of the most important figures in science, his Principia formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Isaac Newton was known to be “a deeply introverted character and fiercely protective of his privacy.”

6. Eleanor Roosevelt

Though she a shy and retiring individual, Eleanor Roosevelt “was a woman who gave 348 press conferences as First Lady, was a United Nations delegate, a human rights activist, a teacher, and a lecturer who averaged 150 speaking engagements a year throughout the 1950s.”

7. Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told The New York Times in 2010 that Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of the social network site, “is shy and introverted and he often does not seem very warm to people who don’t know him, but he is warm.” She added, “He really cares about the people who work here.”

8. Larry Page

The co-founder of Google, Page became the search engine’s CEO in 2011. Many believed that Page was an odd choice for CEO because he’s “personally reserved, unabashedly geeky, and said to be introverted.”

9. Al Gore

The former vice president, presidential candidate, and author of An Inconvenient Truth is another public figure who found success despite being an introvert.

10. Marissa Mayer

The current Yahoo! CEO may be well-known, but Mayer still believes in quiet leadership and hasadmitted that, “I’m just geeky and shy and I like to code…”

11. Abraham Lincoln

The introverted leadership skills of the 16th US president have been studied often by researchers and educators because of his “geekiness,” dignity, and quietness.

12. J.K. Rowling

The creator of Harry Potter came up with the idea of her most famous character while traveling from Manchester to London. Rowling recalls, “I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. To my immense frustration, I didn’t have a pen that worked, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one…”

13. Warren Buffett

Known as the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett is known as one of the most successful introverts and businessmen in the world. According to Buffett, when he started out, he had the “intellect for business,” but he felt he had to enroll in Dale Carnegie’s, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” course of seminars, because he didn’t have a business persona.

14. Mahatma Gandhi

Known for being the master of nonviolent resistance, Gandhi once said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

15. Hillary Clinton

The former first lady, secretary of state, and current presidential candidate isn’t an extrovert like her husband Bill. This might be why some people believe that Clinton isn’t that warm of a person.

16. Michael Jordan

His Airness is one of the greatest basketball players of all-time. He also happens to be one of thegreatest introvert athletes.

17. Charles Darwin

The renowned scientists and author of The Origin of Species was a quiet type who enjoyed solitude.

18. Meryl Streep

Like many actors and actresses, Meryl Streep is a known introvert. However, Streep is a three-time Academy Award winner who is known for her preparation in becoming every character she has portrayed.

19. Elon Musk

The founder of PayPal, Space X, and Tesla has been open about how he went from an “introverted engineer” to being the next Steve Jobs.

20. Dr. Seuss

Arguably one of the greatest children’s book authors of all-time wrote his stories alone, and according to Susan Cain, “was afraid of meeting the kids who read his books for fear they would be disappointed at how quiet he was.”

21. Frederic Chopin

This world-renowned and inspirational composer was so introverted that he gave only about 30 public performances in his lifetime. Instead, he played for small groups of friends and made a living by selling his compositions and teaching piano. Chopin’s most quiet and troubled times have become known as his most productive composition periods.

22. Steve Wozniak

The Apple co-founder described his creative process in his book iWoz as follows:“I’m going to give you some advice that might be hard to take. That advice is: Work alone. Not on a committee. Not on a team.”

23. Barack Obama

The current president of the United States made history in 2008 by becoming the first African-American elected into the office. He’s also a known introvert. In fact, columnist David Brooks stated in the The New York Times, “Being led by Barack Obama is like being trumpeted into battle by Miles Davis. He makes you want to sit down and discern.”

sources ::: https://www.themuse.com/advice/presenting-23-successful-and-famous-introverts-who-prove-all-the-negative-stereotypes-wrong


The Simple Secret to Receiving Criticism at Work—and Being Able to Move On

happy face


Why is it that a single negative comment can ruin your day—even if it was otherwise good? And how come, even if your performance review is overwhelmingly positive, it’s the one “area of improvement” that sticks in your mind?

Turns out, you’re not overly sensitive—it’s just the human condition. Scientists have found that our brains place a lot more emphasis on negative comments than they do on positive ones. If you want to get all academic, it’s called “negativity bias.” And what it means is that even if you receive a ton of compliments (“Your presentation was great!”), you’ll probably get stuck on the one negative remark in the bunch (“Slide 10 was pretty confusing”).

The good news is, you’re not just stuck with those bad thoughts perpetually swirling around in your head—there’s a research-backed way to offset the negativity.

Entrepreneurs Sean McCabe and Ben Toalson recently said that for every 10 hours of negativity in your life, you should have 50 hours of positivity. Or, to put it simply, for every one negative commentyou receive, offset it with five positive ones. (Though, this is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule—for example, some people might need 10 positive compliments for every one mean comment.)

So, how can you control that?

It’s surprisingly easy, actually. Increase the number of optimistic and helpful people in your life, while ridding yourself of those who always leave you feeling badly. The more positive people surrounding you, the more positive feedback you’ll get. That’s basic math. And while you shouldn’t banish everyone who criticizes you, you can seek out people who understand how constructive feedback works.

Now, of course you can’t fire your negative co-worker who always finds a flaw in your work. But you can make an effort to avoid her when possible, while also spending time with the more uplifting people on your team. After all, they’re the ones you want to keep around.

sources : https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-simple-secret-to-receiving-criticism-at-workand-being-able-to-move-on?ref=recommended

5 ways to impress your boss (and everyone else) in an important meeting


As an avid basketball fan, I can easily envision the final seconds of the game and the need for a player to have the fortitude to take the final shot. There are parallels between taking the last shot and having to deliver a critical presentation to a room of executive leaders. You have to be ready — physically and mentally.

You might not be playing for a crowded arena, but your work audience (i.e., coworkers, managers, and executive leaders) are on the lookout for your communication skills, intellect, and perseverance under pressure. As in sports, your talent is only one ingredient of a successful outcome. Your preparation, precision, and delivery are crucial factors.

According to a study on executive presence, your “appearance, communication, and gravitas” accounts for 26% of what is needed for a promotion. There are finite opportunities for you to convey all of this, so important meetings are the perfect time to get noticed.

Here are five keys to making your best impression in front of the most influential people sitting in the room with you.

1. Know your audience

Learn who the core decision makers in your organization are and what they’re looking for in this presentation. There are instances in which the final decision is not made by the person with the highest title. For example, in multiple projects that I’ve been part of, the project sponsor holds authority that trumps the senior executives. Additionally, the project manager may not have oversight over the team, but has direct impact on the timeline and execution.

In other words, you don’t want to spend the entire time making eye contact with the person who has VP in her title — only to learn that she isn’t involved in implementation.

2. Use data to strengthen your argument

Research and analysis are vital to worthwhile discussions. It doesn’t matter what department you’re in, you should share the metrics used to measure results and have supporting data to back up what you’re saying. Interpreting the numbers and being armed with a strategic solution for ROI or cost reduction can make all the difference. Just make sure your numbers are presented in a way that’s easy to comprehend.

3. Don’t steal the spotlight (but prepare for it nonetheless)

Initially, you may not be the primary presenter, however it’s vital to prepare as though you’re the point person. As a back-up basketball player for the Golden State Warriors that had not started a game all season, Andre Iguodala took advantage of his opportunity to lead the team to the 2015 NBA Championship and win the NBA Finals’ Most Valuable Player award. He earned this through practice, dedication, and the ability to perform when called upon. So, prepare for the meeting as if you were leading it. Then, when you’re asked to do that at a moment’s notice, you’ll blow everyone away.

4. Communicate

As intuitive as it may sound, basic communication skills like listening and connecting with your audience are critical. A surprisingly easy way to distinguish yourself is by preparing counterpoints, as the audience may not be on board initially. In addition, pay close attention to questions that go unanswered within the meeting. Many people say, “I’ll get back to you with more on that,” but being someone who actually follows up will showcase your diligence.

5. Close with confidence

Maintain the same level of energy throughout your interaction, regardless of whether it’s in a formal or informal discussion. Even if your initial presentation doesn’t go as planned, how you end the conversation — i.e., whether you emphasize your commitment to shared goals or question your entire pitch in the face of resistance — will affect how people remember your whole presentation. Know that the conversation does not end when people walk out the door. Ensure follow up on agreed upon action items and prepare your delivery for ongoing engagements.

In your career, it is important to cultivate strong relationships with key influencers within your team, department, project, or work group, and an important meeting is the perfect place to build these connections. With proper preparation, you’ll be able to make a great and lasting impression.

This article originally published at The Muse here

Inspiring teen model with Down syndrome earns 2 clothing campaigns


Australian model Madeline Stuart, who has Down syndrome, landed an advertising campaign with fashion and lifestyle brand everMaya.

We first met the 18-year-old in May when she and her mom Rosanne set out to change the way people look at those with disabilities, starting with empowering social media images and messaging.

Now she’s graduated from posing for Instagram to landing major ad campaigns.

“The experience working with her has had a positive impact on me personally as well as professionally,” Damian Graybelle, president of everMaya, told Mashable. “I just never expected that our campaign with Madeline would have had such an affect on people. I have spoken with so many parents of children with special needs that have told me how our partnership with her has given them hope and changed their perspectives on what the future holds for their children.”



Besides the campaign, the company also launched a designer handbag line named for the teen, which will be available Aug. 15. EverMaya is donating 5% of sales of every “Madeline” handbag to the National Down Syndrome Society.

https://instagram.com/p/6QyOF5SFWx/embed/captioned/?v=4https://instagram.com/p/42rrEeyFR8/embed/captioned/?v=4“The generous donations that will come as a result of this new handbag line will directly support our mission at NDSS, as we fight for the rights, values and dignity of all individuals with Down syndrome and our families,” Sara Hart Weir, president of NDSS, said in a press release.

This is not the only clothing campaign that Stuart has been a part of. In July, Stuart posed for body-positive fitness brand Manifesta.

https://instagram.com/p/4kpvmsBJvf/embed/captioned/?v=4“Just as Madeline is committed to expanding people’s ideas of what a model can be, Manifesta is determined to show that the clothing and fashion industry doesn’t have to be exclusionary, that one brand can work for women of various sizes,” the company blog states.

https://instagram.com/p/4nPurWyFfn/embed/?v=4Stuart also announced on her Instagram that she will be walking in the Fause Haten New York Fashion Week show this September.

https://instagram.com/p/6Pj-njSFUp/embed/captioned/?v=4This girl is on fire.

sources : http://mashable.com/2015/08/13/madeline-stuart-modeling/

Facebook revoked internship for student who made ‘Marauder’s Map’

Facebook revoked an internship offer to a Harvard student after he launched a controversial Chrome extension that showed your Facebook friends’ location down to the nearest meter.
Marauder’s Map, named after a magical location-tracking map in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, highlighted where your friends were, provided those friends also used Messenger on their phones. At that point, Messenger automatically shared users’ locations with anyone they messaged.For the few days in May when it worked, Marauder’s Map was a Facebook stalker’s dream. When I used it, I could track a friend who was in Palo Alto for meetings down to the exact building.

Facebook, apparently, was less amused.

Aran Khanna told Boston.com that Facebook withdrew its summer internship offer three days after Marauder’s Map launched — because he violated the Facebook user agreement when he scraped the site for data, and also offered an unofficial workaround to use Marauder’s Map.

Khanna also said that Facebook’s head of global human resources and recruiting dinged him because his accompanying Medium post described the way Facebook collected and shared user data — an approach that seemed to violate the social network’s “high ethical standards” for interns.

Marauder's Map
Harvard student Aran Khanna’s Marauder’s Map could accurately track a Facebook friend’s movements down to a meter.


“I decided to write this extension because we are constantly being told how we are losing privacy with the increasing digitization of our lives,” Khanna wrote in the post. “However, the consequences never seem tangible … with this code you can see for yourself the potentially invasive usage of the information you share, and decide for yourself if this is something you should worry about.”

A week later, Facebook rolled out a location-based update to Messenger. The update removed the always-on location-sharing feature that enabled the Marauder’s Map’s stalking abilities.

A Facebook spokesperson disputed Khanna’s series of events to Mashable, calling his story revisionist history” that omits several points.

“First, we began developing improvements to location sharing months ago, based on input from people who use Messenger,” the spokesperson told Mashable. “Second, this mapping tool scraped Facebook data in a way that violated our terms, and those terms exist to protect people’s privacy and safety.

“Despite being asked repeatedly to remove the code, the creator of this tool left it up. This is wrong and it’s inconsistent with how we think about serving our community.”

As for that internship offer? Facebook told Mashable it was rescinded because Khanna misused user data and put people at risk. Khanna has disputed this, pointing out that Messenger data was technically already available to coders.

It didn’t help Khanna’s case when, after he officially deactivated Marauder’s Map, he then made his code available on Github.


sources :http://mashable.com/2015/08/13/facebook-intern-marauders-map/

Top 15 Most Popular File Sharing Websites | January 2015

Drop Box1 | DropBox
179 – eBizMBA Rank | 35,000,000 – Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 114 – Compete Rank | 314 – Quantcast Rank | 110 – Alexa Rank | January 1, 2015.
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Media Fire2 | MediaFire
351 – eBizMBA Rank | 22,500,000 – Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 531 – Compete Rank | NA – Quantcast Rank | 171 – Alexa Rank | January 1, 2015.
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Google Drive4 | Google Drive
550 – eBizMBA Rank | 18,500,000 – Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *100* – Compete Rank |*1,000* – Quantcast Rank | *NA* – Alexa Rank | January 1, 2015.
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Report: Apple to allow Chinese security inspections of iPhones

Report: Apple to allow Chinese security inspections of iPhones


Apple will allow the Chinese government to perform security inspections on its products to quell concerns that they are used for surveillance of Chinese citizens, according to reports.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has allegedly conceded to requests from China’s State Internet Information Office to perform tests on iPhones, iPads and Mac computers so that they can continue being sold in the country, The Telegraph reported.

Cook reportedly had a meeting with Lu Wei, the department’s director, according to the Beijing News. Roughly translated, Cook is said to have told Wei that, although there were rumors to the contrary, Apple has never had any security backdoors or provided customer data to third parties.

Wei reportedly responded that Apple’s products would have to pass security audits performed by Chinese officers in order to ensure they were OK for customer use.

China is one of the biggest markets for Apple products, but its government has a history of distrust for the Cupertino-based company

China is one of the biggest markets for Apple products, but its government has a history of distrust for the Cupertino-based company. In fact, China has thrown out allegations at more than just Apple, such as IBM and Cisco.

In September of last year, shortly after the new iPhones were announced, Apple reassured the Chinese government that the devices do not have security backdoors that could be used by U.S. organizations to collect Chinese data.

A state-run television program in China accused Apple last summer of tracking people’s locations in China through the “frequent locations” feature on the phone. The report said that “those with access to that data could gain knowledge of China’s economic situation or ‘even state secrets.'”

Apple, of course, quickly rebuffed the allegations, saying that Frequent Locations are encrypted and not backed up on any sort of virtual cloud. Plus, the feature can be turned off.

“Apple has never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services,” reads a July statement. “We have also never allowed access to our servers. And we never will. It’s something we feel very strongly about.”

China has had its share of finger-pointing, too. In May of last year, the U.S. Justice Department indicted five members of the Chinese military for allegedly hacking American businesses. It was the first time that the department had charged a foreign government for cybercrimes.

The new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus went on sale in China in mid-October. Apple did not reply toMashable‘s request for comment.

Source: http://mashable.com/2015/01/23/china-inspects-apple-products/

Top 15 Most Popular eBusiness Websites | January 2015

Cnet1 | cNet
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